Our Sunday worship is a hybrid format: both in person in the sanctuary and via Zoom* meeting software.  (See below for more details about on-line & in-person services).


Upcoming Speakers and Topics 

May 5: Mark Bernstein. The Difficulty of Being Just. Potter Stewart wrote that “Fairness is what justice really is.” What does it mean to be fair and just in our interactions with others and how do these qualities define us as Unitarian Universalists?

          Children in the sanctuary for first part of the service. Faith in Action (FIA) meeting at 12:15 p.m.

May 12: Rev. Erik Walker Wikstrom. When Faced with Evil. Does evil exist and, if so, what is it, how does it arise, and how can we respond to it? The Rev. Wikstom, author of many UU books, discusses these questions.

          Micah’s Back-Packing after the service. Drum Circle 6 – 7:30 p.m. in the sanctuary.

May 19: Rev. Dr. Paul Britner. Belonging with Integrity. We all are simultaneously independent and interconnected. Some part of us is defined by a unique combination of personal attributes, such as our sense of humor and our preferences for, let’s say pizza toppings. We also are defined by our sense of belonging, some of which we choose (religion, political affiliation, etc.) and some of which we don’t (ethnicity, gender, etc.) This message explores how we balance those qualities so that we may be part of something larger than ourselves without losing ourselves in the process.

          Offering in Action Collection. UUCH Book Table Open.
Annual Meeting immediately after the service. Potluck Lunch after the meeting.

May 26: Margaret Wozniak. A Little-Known Story, the poignant tale of one of the earliest Memorial Day commemorations from the Civil War.

           Micah’s Back-Packing after the service. Last day for this school year

June 2: JD Stillwater. Grand Design: Aging, Alloparenting, and Evolution. What evolutionary purpose is served by living so long after our reproductive years are done? This service explores the spiritual and social fertility of every life stage in a beloved community, an inclusive fertility especially enhanced in our later years. Not likely to be a grandparent himself, JD Stillwater takes the opportunity to scrutinize the grandparenting role, with an eye towards broadening and deepening its power and promise for every life stage and relationship.

           Children in the sanctuary for first part of the service. FIA meeting at 12:15 p.m.

June 9: Irene Glasse. Abundance Within and Without. In a world often marked by scarcity and want, it’s easy to overlook the abundant blessings that surround us. As the Wheel of the Year turns toward the Summer Solstice, uncover the richness that lies within and around us. Explore ways to tap into the power of relationships, the beauty of nature, and boundless opportunities for growth and fulfillment.

           Drum Circle 6 – 7:30 p.m. in the sanctuary.

June 16: Rev. Dr. Paul Britner. Answering Your Call. Finally, a sermon that answers the question, “What is the meaning of life?” Well, maybe not all life, but certainly yours. Even that may be too much, but it does answer the question how you but it does answer the question how you may discern your calling and gifts, which likely will lead you to your answer to that larger question of life’s meaning.

         Offering in Action. Potluck Lunch after the service.

June 23: Rev. Dennis J. Daniel. The Light That Shines Out of a Life. We have much to learn from those around us, and we probably have more to learn from those who are different in significant ways than from those who are rather like ourselves.

June 30: Rev. Dr. Helen Lutton Cohen. Odd Arrangements and Funny Solutions. When we want other people to be like us, when we pass judgment on them for being different, we are expressing our need for security, to be validated by the fact that there are no differences. When we feel safe enough to risk connection with them, then we grow.


How to Attend Our Worship

Please log in to Zoom or be in the sanctuary between  10:30 a.m. and 10:40 a.m. The pre-serviced music begins at 10:40 a.m.
Our services end around noon and are followed by refreshments and time to chat.

To attend a service via Zoom, you need the new log in link and password, which are emailed each week on Friday.  

If you aren’t receiving the link, email worship@uuhagerstownmd.org by Thursday to be added to the worship log in list.

*If you have never used Zoom, check out the Zoom Basics Page.


Covid Safety Precautions: We continue to focus on being together in person again but Covid precautions change. Be alert for on-going adjustments.  
  • Masks are now optional for fully-vaccinated and boosted people. Some fully-vaccinated people continue to mask for additional safety; others do not.
  •  If you are NOT fully-vaccinated and boosted, we ask you to mask to protect yourself and others.
  • People are asked to mask while singing hymns.
  • If  a family member or you are feeling ill (cold, flu, etc.) or have been exposed to Covid, please stay home and attend via Zoom.
  • Please be thoughtful with your greetings. Many people are not ready yet for hugging and other close contacts so always ask.
  • Improved Air Quality  The new HVAC system installed in 2020 in both the Martin House and sanctuary should keep us safer as well as warmer and cooler. The new system includes an air purification system in the HVAC ductwork. According to the EPA, the combined use of filtration and germicidal UVC light is an effective means of preventing the distribution of airborne viruses in occupied spaces. Our system has a high intensity dual-light system: one light controls bacteria, viruses, and mold spores; the other oxidizes and removes  noxious  odors.  The air goes through the purification system eight times an hour.



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