Our Sunday worship is a hybrid format: both in person in the sanctuary and via Zoom* meeting software.  (See below for more details about how to attend on line and in person services).

Upcoming Speakers and Topics 

March 2: Rev. Beth Marshall. Embracing the Exile. In her song Would You Harbor Me?, Ysaye Barnwell asks haunting questions about the limits of our acceptance. Today marginalized individuals are at greater risk than ever before. How might we be more radically inclusive and welcoming in our neighborhoods and in our congregations? Children in the sanctuary for the first part of the service. FIA meeting at 12:15 p.m.

March 9: Mark Bernstein. Once Upon a Time. The pride, honor and richness of our Unitarian Universalist heritage lies in its stories of inspiration, courage and sacrifice. Yet many of these stories go untold. Sharing these tales helps to remind us of who we are as Unitarian Universalists and the importance of continuing the legacies of those before us. So, let me tell you a story. Micah’s Backpacks in the Martin House basement after the service

March 16: Rev. Dr. Paul Britner. Conformity in a Non-Creedal Tradition. Since we do not require members to ascribe to any particular statement of faith, how do we explain to others what we believe? Using recent changes to the UUA bylaws as an example, this sermon explores that question at the special request of Bill Pike and Deb Russell, winners of the “You Pick the Sermon” item at the 2024 auction. Offering in Action Collection. Potluck Lunch after the service

March 23: Rev. Dan Harper. Another Way. Henry David Thoreau is often called a nature hermit. But Thoreauvian scholarship challenges that view. What is the newer, more accurate understanding of him who is beloved by many UUs?

Micah’s Backpacks in the Martin House basement after the service

March 30: Devorah Greenstein. The Power of Language; the Language of Power. The old nursery rhyme asserts that “sticks and stone will break my bones, but names will never hurt me”. George Lakoff, a linguist and cognitive scientist, explains why this is wrong.

April 6: Irene Glasse. Seeds of Resilience. The cycle of cold and dormancy to warmth and growth is a yearly reminder of resilience and return. Explore themes in nature and spirituality that help us recenter, revitalize, and grow resilient even when the cold winds blow.

Children in the sanctuary for the first part of the service. FIA meeting at 12:15 p.m.

April 13: Wayne B. Arnason. Care of the Soul. What is a soul and is there such a thing? If there is such a thing, is it a reality different from both mind and brain? How do Unitarian Universalists understand the soul and, if so, where does it fit in their theology or theologies?

Micah’s Backpacks in the Martin House basement after the service

Easter, April 20: Rev. Dr. Paul Britner. Who Do You Say I Am? Different faith traditions emphasize different images of Jesus: healer, social reformer, and sage, among others. This message explores these and other perspectives on the historical Jesus.

Offering in Action. Budget Information Meeting. Potluck Lunch after the meeting. UUCH Book Table

April 27: Michael Roehm. Who Is the Villain? Many people tend to reduce others, especially perceived enemies, with one word or one characteristic: he’s an idiot, she’s greedy, they are evil. The Buddhist approach is different.

Micah’s Backpacks in the Martin House basement after the service


How to Attend Our Worship

Please log in to Zoom or be in the sanctuary between  10:30 a.m. and 10:40 a.m. The pre-serviced music begins at 10:40 a.m.
Our services end around noon and are followed by refreshments and time to chat.

To attend a service via Zoom, you need the new log in link and password, which are emailed each week on Friday.  

If you aren’t receiving the link, email worship@uuhagerstownmd.org by Thursday to be added to the worship log in list.

*If you have never used Zoom, check out the Zoom Basics Page.


Covid Safety Precautions: We continue to focus on being together in person again but Covid precautions change. Be alert for on-going adjustments.  
  • People are asked to mask while singing hymns.
  • Except while singing, asks are now optional for fully-vaccinated and boosted people. Some fully-vaccinated people continue to mask for additional safety; others do not.
  •  If you are NOT fully-vaccinated and boosted, we ask you to mask to protect yourself and others.
  • If  a family member or you are feeling ill (cold, flu, etc.) or have been exposed to Covid, please stay home and attend via Zoom.
  • Please be thoughtful with your greetings. Many people are not ready yet for hugging and other close contacts so always ask.
  • Improved Air Quality  The new HVAC system installed in 2020 in both the Martin House and sanctuary should keep us safer as well as warmer and cooler. The new system includes an air purification system in the HVAC ductwork. According to the EPA, the combined use of filtration and germicidal UVC light is an effective means of preventing the distribution of airborne viruses in occupied spaces. Our system has a high intensity dual-light system: one light controls bacteria, viruses, and mold spores; the other oxidizes and removes  noxious  odors.  The air goes through the purification system eight times an hour.



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